History of Raymond and Casco Told Through Photographs

Authors Martha Watkins Glassford and Pamela Watkins Grant are fifth-generation residents of Raymond and Casco and are active members of the Raymond-Casco Historical Society.

Raymond and Casco

by Martha Watkins Glassford, Pamela Watkins Grant

Images of America Series

Price: $21.99

128 pages/ softcover

Available: June 27, 2011

For Immediate Release

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History of Raymond and Casco Told Through Photographs

Local authors team up on new book

The newest addition to Arcadia Publishing’s popular Images of America series is Raymond and Casco from local authors Martha Watkins Glassford and Pamela Watkins Grant. The book boasts more than 200 vintage images primarily from the Raymond-Casco Historical Society’s archives, illustrating the history of these towns and the struggles and triumphs of their early residents.

Early residents in Raymond and Casco pioneered the land, building roads and carving a life out of the wilderness. In the late 1800s, local manufacturers harvested and sold ice blocks. Later residents built yachts and established radio communications. Local poets and authors like Martin Dibner and Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote of characters and folklore.

The many vintage photographs in Raymond and Casco depict hardworking men and women in their corn shops, blacksmith shops, sawmills, schools, and places of worship, taking readers back in time to a way of life that is since long gone.

Available at area bookstores, independent retailers, and online retailers, or through Arcadia Publishing at www.arcadiapublishing.com or


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2 thoughts on “History of Raymond and Casco Told Through Photographs

  1. Nancy Watkins Veilleux

    Hello, my name is Nancy Watkins Veilleux. I have started do look up my families genelogy which I have found a lot of information on Maine Genelogy through census. I just happen to be looking and found this site. I knew some of my family was from the Raymond-Casco area. My Great great Grandfather was George Watkins, Great grandfather is Winfield S Watkins and my Grandfather is L Murray Watkins. My father, Philip Manning Watkins was born in Cornish, Maine. Still trying to find why we ended up in Cornish when the rest of the family was still in Raymond-Casco area. I also found the Murch cemetery on line and found a lot of the family. I have a scrap book with an article about William S Wathins, which I believe is my great grandfathers brother. I would love to hear from you. Kind regards, Nancy

  2. Eileen Gloria

    I did not grow up in the Raymond area but did go to a camp for many years that belonged to my father’s mother Stella Barr on Raymond Pond, we called it Little Rattlesnake, She bought the camp just before WW2 in 1940 and sold it in 1969. What a joy that place was, always a camp full of relatives and friends, it was called Little Josephine when she bought it and then changed it to Water’s Edge. She actually rented a camp belonging to the ********* Family before that. Not many camps in the early days, a few on either side of the lake and none on the lower lake. We are forever grateful for those days, it was a love affair of a grand place…

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